Gran banda de Garage Rock de Estados Unidos. Creo que es el unico material que existe de esta banda. Mi tema favorito es "Fire in my heart" (que cancion!). Este post va dedicado a un compañero blogger y garagero el: Miguel Wirtis (de paso visiten su blog para los fanas de este genero musical) http://garagelatino.blogspot.com/. Eso es todo por hoy, espero les guste!!
Great Garage Rock band form U.S.A.. I think it's the only material that exists of this band. My favourite song is "Fire in my heart" (what a song!). This post is dedicated to a fellow blogger and garagero: Miguel Wirtis (by the way visit his blog for fans of this musical genre) http://garagelatino.blogspot.com/. That's it for today, hope you like!!
Link: The Embermen Five - Fire in their hearts '66-'68 (Estados Unidos)